Members may download one copy of our sample forms and templates for your personal use within your organization. And there should be room for questions and answers. Those interested in this type of work may be interested in a career in social work, facilitation, advocacy or sociology. If so, how did you get them? You are more than welcome :). Give the group at least a month to read the piece. Each month, you can read and discuss a book or article by a diverse author and/or about race, sexuality, disability, or creating equitable spaces. This exercise is a quick and subtle way to celebrate diversity, add variety to Zoom meetings, and help employees discover new art to enjoy. Thank you for your comment, you are very much welcome to come back :). Sexual orientation. Infographics. This is a participatory workshop that is intended to help guide all participants to better understanding and to address difficult issues. One of the most influential ways we can practice inclusive behavior at our workplace is by talking about it. 4. Examine your company's composition and culture. This activity combines trivia, hands-on painting activities, and lots of team-building challenges, interwoven with themes of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Each day, select a quote from a prominent figure within a certain community, and then share the sentiment with the team via Slack or internal email. 8. faith diversity. Master calendars are one of the simplest online diversity and inclusion moment ideas. 3. For this version of the game, we suggest instead of team members taking turns making Never Have I Ever statements, a leader reads through the prompts one by one. You can use this time to educate employees on topics such as minority self-care, history of movements and impacts of lesser known influential figures, and how to be a better ally, for example. 1. Facilitators should remind participants that: Facilitators should emphasize that what is shared during the workshop is private and confidential. If the group raises any of the common responses above, challenge them to answer the following questions: The point of the discussion is to reflect critically on assumptions and socializations regarding respect. Diversity in the workplace is paramount, but when a colleague's lack of buy-in has the power to demobilize the entire mission, you can find yourself on the wrong end of a bridge to nowhere. It is often a great idea to allow your participants to generate ethical dilemmas. Personal identities include an individuals name, unique characteristics, history, personality and other traits that make one different from others. You must avoid rude or sarcastic comments. Reading is one of the surest methods for gaining new perspectives. Your email address will not be published. Be sure to post or send the final result to participants, preferably in a forum that encourages communication such as a group email or a Slack thread. For inspiration, here is a list of employee gift ideas. ActivityUnpacking the Invisible Knapsack. What did you learn about yourself or what did you think about that youve never thought about before? Diversity training also helps people understand the perspective of others and embrace the differences . Rather than naming these rules that are then placed upon the group, we will call these agreements because these are the guidelines built by the group that all members agree to follow during the course of the workshop. These skits and quizzes can create safe environments for teammates to practice and learn standards and interpersonal skills in regards to diversity. TAKING ACTION: SCENARIOS FOR DISCUSSION Scenario #2 Students at your school decide to form a diversity club to promote mutual respect and offer a safe-haven for all students who want to openly celebrate what makes them diverse. } Communication barriers. Starting a virtual book club is a way to educate employees about inclusion. A good way to approach this examination is to compare your company's racial, ethnic and gender makeup to that of the local community. Not seen anyone who looks like me on TV while growing up. Then give each group one of the bags. How do the words we use influence the way we think about certain professions? 18. Been told to go back where you came from.. Talking about diversity in the workplace without mentioning racism is not complete. ObjectiveTo practice giving positive feedback and to have participants leave the workshop feeling energized. The first core concept is culture, which is: The second core concept is identity, which is: Age, gender, religious or spiritual affiliation, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status are all identities. I identify myself as Black or African-American. True diversity is achieved not just by ensuring that candidates from various backgrounds are selected for employment but by creating a culture of inclusion in which all employees feel that they are equally contributing and accepted members of the organization. Mariam Ganiyu, MA, is an HR competencies intern at SHRM. Training of this kind can provide historical context about the politics of identity and the dynamics of power and privilege or help build greater self-awareness. What did you discover about those around you? This practice can help team members build confidence and conviction. This game is a go-to icebreaker for groups, and you can alter the prompts to highlight the struggles of different communities. Diversity Challenges: What Would You Do? The deputy director of the association (who is her superior), who is a white male, gives the office manager the resume' of an acquaintance of his. The best way to talk about diversity and inclusion is through seminars, as well as personal organizational meetings, making use of diversity and inclusion discussion questions for a more engaging discussion. And it will help workers who are a part of the community to feel accepted in their workplace and thrive better. Plus, work from home employees tend to feel alienated more often than in-office counterparts, and a lack of attention to diversity issues can make employees feel even less of a sense of belonging. They ask you for help responding to a customer inquiry, but you refuse to lend a hand because you are working on a tight deadline and don't want to waste time. Some people find it hard to just say it, so their body language speaks for them, have an eye for that. Prior to the weekly or monthly Zoom staff mending, send attendees instructions to find a piece created by an artist of a certain community, and set that picture as the virtual background for the meeting. After the allotted time, ask all participants to sit and open the discussion. This is not to say that some target statuses are more salient (for example, people can see I am a woman, or a Black woman, before they even speak with me) and others may be easier to conceal (for example, if I am lesbian). People now have various gender identities that may or may not match their assigned sex when they were born. Here are more relationship building activities. It is self-initiated by organizations with a workforce from different ethnicities, religions, nationalities, and demographics. Lunch and learns are one of the best remote diversity and inclusion ideas for work. So what should we as HR professionals do? Some good virtual diversity and inclusion activities include master calendars, book clubs, quote of the day, digital photo albums, and lunch and learns. Even taking ten seconds to read the message can introduce recipients to these figures and broaden staffs worldviews. Sometimes it is most effective for facilitators to share their stories first making yourself vulnerable will make others more comfortable doing the same. In order to achieve true diversity and inclusion in the workplace, performing team D&I activities is crucial. Institutional legal system, education system, public policy, hiring practices, media images. Any company that wants to take complete advantage of the opportunity that can come from intercultural work must pay attention to it. Words mentioned more frequently will appear larger, and vice versa. December 25, 2014. How a person identifies can affect many facets of his or her life. Complaints should be reported to the appropriate authorities and concerns too, especially when it is observed from one of the employees by another so that misunderstanding would be avoided. What was your reaction to this exercise? Opening up a dialogue on a personal level supports inclusion efforts and can also translate into new ideas and thought processes that can help solve workplace challenges and enhance the organization as a whole. All of these behaviors are needed to effectively collaborate with others on the job. You can conduct role-plays in group settings or individually. Had to use a different name to get respect. This exercise can show the diversity of thought within the group while also revealing similarities. Participants should feel better equipped with newfound knowledge and empathy, and prepared to apply the lessons they learned in their own lives and communities. Perhaps you are a teacher, youth group facilitator, student affairs personnel or manage a team that works with an underserved population. Team building content expert. Hiring employees from a range of cultures and backgrounds has fantastic benefits for businesses; but can occasionally result in communication or language barriers within a team. Food is a universal connector. 2) Self-directed work teams have been established to work on a number of new projects. if(currentUrl.indexOf("/about-shrm/pages/shrm-china.aspx") > -1) { The facilitator should ask the following questions of the group while also encouraging them to share personal experiences that speak to their point. Once introductions are made, the employees will talk for a . Someone in my extended family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins) lives in my house with my family. ObjectiveThe objective of this activity is to reconsider male-gendered nouns that we consider generic. Generating gender-free nouns and pronouns will help participants incorporate more inclusive language in their daily speech and writing. Have the bags of supplies in view for all to see. 19. }); if($('.container-footer').length > 1){ var currentUrl = window.location.href.toLowerCase(); Call Us: 800-299-3770 Fax: 508-651-2674 . Completing this training is not the end, but merely the beginning. This helps create a dialogue of understanding. to your blog? What happens when someone falls outside of this norm? Just as we mentioned earlier in this article, we must communicate with each other in the workplace over the issue of diversity. I identify as undocumented or have a close family member who is. It is defined as the ability to value and consider the perspectives and backgrounds of all people. This activity requires everyone to step outside of his or her comfort zone. (For a full explanation of how each racial category is defined, refer to the U.S.Census About Race page). Taking that leap is a great opportunity to set the tone for inclusion throughout your organizationand a learning experience to take with you throughout life. Explore any of these five-minute exercises that center on a relevant diversity, inclusion and access topic. Stage 3: Point to your own and the customer's professionalism and politely ask him to focus on topics related to your service and products. Some of the behaviors indicating proficiency in Global & Cultural Effectiveness are: demonstrating nonjudgmental respect for others' perspectives; possessing self-awareness and humility in order to learn from others; and appreciating the commonalities, values and individual unique attributes of all human beings. 2023 The University of Southern California for its USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work. You can open the meeting by talking briefly about the backgrounds, or typing the name of the piece and the artist into the chat. One of the ways to promote inclusion or cultural diversity in your workplace is to hold regular culture days. Gender has gone far beyond a binary divide between men and women. For example, the team can take a virtual cooking class where an ethnic chef shows participants how to prepare meals from a specific country or for a certain occasion. The United States of America is a magnificent synthesis of different races, religions, and cultures of the colonists that settled here centuries ago. However, giving employees equal opportunities to guide the group during gatherings is a good place to start. Workplace D&I idea #4: Issue a statement from your CEO. 2. What are the norms for appearance/behavior? 10 Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace. is an engaging training program designed to stimulate classroom discussion of two powerful diversity scenarios in the workplace 2. It stems from fear and we may not even be the slightest bit aware of our actions. Accepting/appreciating someones ideas, even when you dont agree with them. Individuals should have learned about their own identity and of those around them, as well as the implications of socially constructed labels and stereotypes of an individuals experience. Expand your toolbox with the tools and techniques needed to fix your organizations unique needs. Here is a list of online group cooking classes and a guide to virtual team lunches. According to a SHRM Online article on diversity councils, "Leading organizations increasingly see business valueand resultsfrom their efforts to link diversity and inclusion to their business strategy." Participants were often forced to confront socialized and entrenched notions of privilege, identity and social justice. To Retain Employees, Focus on InclusionNot Just Diversity by Karen Brown. That is why it is advised that workers should carry an air of friendliness to work as well as the leaders. Two, it allows them to be creative and provides you the opportunity to see this creativity. These discussions will cover key matters related to workplace D&I. This exercise highlights the similarities and differences between team members and helps colleagues find common ground. Anna Verasai. Here is a list of ideas to recognize diversity and foster inclusion in online offices. You join the club, which meets weekly to share ideas, plan events, and discuss issues facing the school community. Unconscious bias is usually perceived as one of the biggest disablers of diversity. Cultural diversity. Book club. August 5, 2020 in Diversity & Inclusion. University of Houston Diversity Education Guide. Procedures should be put in place to ensure that the workers practice what was taught. Teammates that the description applies to either lower a finger, raise a hand, or keep their cameras on while other participants switch webcams off. Some of these are generational differences, an aging workforce, lack of loyalty, difficulty to engage and attract new college graduates, the economic recession, and growing talent needs in some areas with meltdowns in others. $('.container-footer').first().hide(); ActivityMy Fullest Name Source:Awareness Activities, Critical Multicultural Pavilion. To do this activity, first pick an assortment of products from diverse business owners. Start contributing now to a fairer workplace. Teammates can send calendar invites to colleagues directly, however, we find that it is easier if one person curates the calendar. All responses are worthy of reflection in terms of their cultural and hegemonic influences. Although biases are not easily erased, we can take steps to recognize them and their impact on those around us. This will allow everyone to start the conversations on the same page and ensure that the participants have a foundation upon which to build future knowledge. Social identity includes affinities one has with other people, values and norms that one accepts, and the ways one has learned to behave in social settings. October 6, 2022. Unlike legislation that is implemented through sanctions, diversity management is a voluntary organizational action. Hopefully, this toolkit has helped to create new understanding among your participants. For this activity, start by setting up a diversity snapshot board in a shared office area. Reading is one of the surest methods for gaining new perspectives. These ideas are an online version of diversity and inclusion activities and are similar to community building activities. There has been tension between you two ever since, and now you need . Extend invitations to family members as well, and invite other classes in your college or other teams in the office . The goal of this activity is to warm up participants to sharing about themselves and start revealing a bit about each participants background. We will use this activity to get to know one another on a deeper level. Diversity and inclusion topics and discussions may be a bit tricky, because these are matters concerning peoples values and belief systems, and you can trust that a lot of people hold these things close to heart. This toolkit was designed to address human issues that everyone faces and help participants recognize how they can better understand and work toward solving, or at least improving, these issues. There is no one guide to do this. Agent:Members of dominant social groups privileged by birth or acquisition who knowingly or unknowingly exploit and reap unfair advantage over members of the target groups. Please confirm that you want to proceed with deleting bookmark. To hold remote book clubs, first create a Slack channel for the group. But each creates a burden on the individual and each has its own set of challenges to overcome. Diversity and inclusion topics and discussions may be a bit tricky, because these are matters concerning people's values and belief systems, and you can trust that a lot of people hold these things close to heart. Target:Members of social identity groups who are discriminated against, marginalized, disenfranchised, oppressed, exploited by an oppressor and oppressors system of institutions without identity apart from the target group, and compartmentalized in defined roles. You can also celebrate diversity virtually in more subtle and continuous ways, for example, by encouraging employees to post their pronouns or various group identities in their Slack headlines or email signatures. Please share . To do this activity, split participants into breakout rooms with a link to the card. The purpose of these activities is to promote acceptance and belonging in remote workplaces, educate and support employees, and create more equitable and inclusive virtual offices. You have successfully saved this page as a bookmark. Did anyone break a stereotype for you? Small habits such as these can help shift your perspective to view your procedures and decisions through a diversity lens, and work toward mitigating personal . Activities for today: 1. This activity helps to establish a basis of respect within the group, helping the participants take the first steps toward creating and maintaining a constructive discussion of social justice and equity. Make it clear that it is acceptable to write poetry, list adjectives that describe them, include humor, etc. Diversity Recruiting Strategies and How to Recruit Diverse Candidates, Diversity Management: What is it and Concept, Managing Diversity in the Workplace: 10 Strategies, Fostering Inclusion: Work Environment | 12 Ways to do it, Fostering Diversity in the Workplace : How to Do it in 10 Ways, Benefits of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, Inclusive Behaviors in The Workplace | 15 Ways to Promote it. For similar games, check out online team building Bingo and icebreaker Bingo. (For more on race from a historical perspective, read A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, by Ronald Takaki. temp_style.textContent = '.ms-rtestate-field >, .ms-rtestate-field > .fltter .is-empty.d-none, {display:block !important;}'; In this episode of McKinsey Talks Talent, talent experts Bryan Hancock and Bill Schaninger speak with Diana Ellsworth, leader of McKinsey's work on diversity, equity, and inclusion, about the latest research on the LGBTQ+ experience in the workplaceincluding practical steps all employees can take to both signal support and advance progress. 1. Workplace diversity training activities like methodical teaching and applying inclusive policies, when implemented, bring harmony and cohesiveness in a workforce or the work environment. Please let me know For similar activities, check out this list of improv games. The viewer immediately knows that Apple . When responses are in, put submissions into a word cloud generator. Group evaluation of case scenarios based on bias, stereotypes or . How did people define respect? Talk for five to 10 minutes about respect. ), so facilitators should be clear that participants are there because these are issues that affect everyone and that there will not be personal judgment of anyones feelings about a particular issue. In the pilot of my Build Your Branching Scenario course, several participants picked DEI topics as the focus for their branching scenarios. Cross-cultural training helps workers from other countries experience less shock and discomfort when relocating for work in a new city. This is where Global & Cultural Effectiveness, one of the SHRM-defined HR competencies, comes into play. document.head.append(temp_style); You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Proficiency in Global & Cultural Effectiveness reduces controversy, promotes communication and understanding. I will probably be again to read rather more, thanks for that info. Plus, getting a window into different types of lifestyles can be an effective way to fight bias in the workplace. Understanding Privilege and Systems of Power: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, Gender and Sexuality Workshop: Creating Gender-Free Nouns, Intersection Identity and Privilege: Crossing the Line. Expedia's Inclusion & Diversity video has a strong message, "Everybody Always Everywhere" This video focuses on letting employees do their best work no matter their "identity groups". Building Belonging. Conclusion. Group DefinitionHave the group describe what they believe to be the definition of the terms gender and sexuality., ActivityCreating Gender-Free Nouns Source:Writing for Change, Teaching Tolerance (PDF, 1 MB). They will not be lectured or told what to believe. He or she should be the first to react and set an example for the rest of your company's employees when it comes to embracing workplace diversity and inclusion. We have 30+ experiences to choose from, and thousands of five star reviews. Here is a list of ideas to recognize diversity and foster inclusion in online offices. Apple "Inclusion & Diversity" Video. Therefore it is important to note that part of this training will involve having diversity and inclusion discussion topics. This is one of the diversity and inclusion activities in the workplace that is, at least logistically, fairly simple. } Belonging can lead to a 56% increase in job performance, a 50% reduction in turnover risk, a 167% increase in employer net promoter score, 2X more employee raises, 18X more employee promotions, and a 75% decrease in sick days. Workplace Culture. First, create a digital space where teammates can share photos such as a Cloud album, Google Drive, and private social media group. Members can get help with HR questions via phone, chat or email. What did it feel like to step into the circle? "Hey, Mariam, how was your Kwanzaa?" Here is a list of diversity and inclusion books. Facebook|LinkedIn|Pinterest|Twitter. Cross-cultural training is very important. I have felt guilty by the amount of money my family has or by the size of my house or by what resources or belongings my family has (either too much or too little). a) You ignore the comment and continue to facilitate the discussion. Online Master of Social Work (MSW) Curriculum, Awareness Activities, Critical Multicultural Pavilion, Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, by Peggy McIntosh (PDF, 94 KB), Writing for Change, Teaching Tolerance (PDF, 1 MB), A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, by Ronald Takaki. Businesses of all shapes and sizes are currently experiencing changes in the makeup of their workforce - from alterations in the economic landscape, technological advances, globalization, and - for the first time in the U.S. - members of five generations working, living, buying, driving, and aging together with one another. I have experienced the death of a close family member or close friend. Unconscious bias training is needed when our minds tell us that people who think, act, and look similar to us are safer or better than those who do not. If any group nishes incredibly quickly either provide them another scenario or ask them to briey describe their solution and complicate the scenario for them 5. Understand when the discussion is going off courseDont go overboard with the questions. We must change the way we think if we think like this because people will bring different attributes and ideas to the table, leading to ultimate growth, which would be cut short on your part. Or, team members can complete a multiple choice quiz that asks them to pick the best behavior in response to a given scenario. The team can even go on a virtual food tour and learn about different dishes specific to a community, region, or country. Intro to Implicit Bias in Workplace Scenarios. Here are 5 of the best diversity and inclusion videos I've seen (in random order): 1. Supporting Gender Identity and Expression. The first type deals with identities that are part of a majority status or agent while the second includes identities that are part of the minority status or target.. Not been able to physically enter a building because of lack of accessibility options. For example, team members can act out sample dialogues on Zoom, perhaps with one employee playing a part and the other reacting organically. The U.S. government, including the Census Bureau and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, does not attempt to identify race according to biology, anthropology or genetics. 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